Study of Lipid Peroxidation-antioxidant Defense Systems in Rats under Radiation Exposure


  • Assem K. Okassova Department of Biological Sciences, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
  • Valeriy Britko Department of Biomedicine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Didar B. Okassov Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Yelena S. Tatina Department of Biomedicine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Akerke I. Tolegenova Department of Biomedicine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Kuttykyz N. Kuvatbaeva Department of Biomedicine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Gulzhan T. Kaliyeva Department of Biomedicine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Madina Zhunussova Department of Biomedicine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Nazira Duzbaeva Department of Zoology, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan



Radiation, Lipid peroxidation products, Catalase, Antioxidant system



BACKGROUND: Experimental data on the effect of a high dose of gamma radiation 6 Gy on the activity of antioxidant defense enzymes and lipid peroxidation products (LPO) are presented immunocompetent organs in the body of animals in the experiment. It was found that the effect of ionizing radiation led to an increase in the level of diene conjugates (DC) and malondialdehyde (MDA), inhibition of the activity of catalase (CАT) and glutathione peroxidase (GlP), glutathione reductase (GlR) enzymes in almost all the studied objects, as a result of which the development of oxidative stress was observed in them. The results of the study indicate serious changes in the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system (AOS) under radiation stress. An imbalance of POL-AOS creates prerequisites for the occurrence of immunopathological conditions, contributing to the development of radiation-related tumor infection. pathologies. Violations of functional relationships of the catalytic redox system.

AIM: The aim of the study was to study the effect of radiation at a dose of 6 Gy on the parameters of lipoperoxidation and the antioxidant system in experimental rats.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The work was carried out on 20 male Wistar rats weighing 240 ± 20 g. Experimental animals are divided into two groups: I - normal group; II - group exposed to γ-rays at a dose of 6 Gy.

RESULTS: After radiation exposure, all objects showed a tendency to increase the product of lipid peroxidation. As is known, the activation of lipid peroxidation is based on excessive generation of reactive oxygen species, which exceeds the physiological capabilities of antioxidant systems that occur after the depletion of enzyme systems.

CONCLUSION: Based on the results obtained, it was found, that irradiation increases the intensity of the formation of POL products and their accumulation, reduces the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system in immunocompetent organs in irradiated animals, as a result, the lack of the antioxidant system causes oxidative stress in the body.


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How to Cite

Okassova AK, Britko V, Okassov DB, Tatina YS, Tolegenova AI, Kuvatbaeva KN, Kaliyeva GT, Zhunussova M, Duzbaeva N. Study of Lipid Peroxidation-antioxidant Defense Systems in Rats under Radiation Exposure. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(A):236-9. Available from: