The Strategy of Workforce Management Based on Risk Assessment of Manual Handling Work with Suitability of Work Environment in Makasar Industrial Area, Indonesia


  • Basri K Department of Technology and Vocational Education, FKIP Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Sarinah Basri K Department of Public Health, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia; Doctoral Studies of Public Health, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia



Work environment, Most with no risk, Growth strategy


BACKGROUND: A good work environment suitability has a major impact on health and safety, and it encourages a more productive workforce. When it is incompatible with labor, it can lead to unintended impacts and various risks.

AIM: We aimed to investigate the strategy of workforce management based on risk assessment of manual handling work with suitability of work environment in Makasar industrial area, Indonesia.

METHODS: Twenty three workforce samples are selected from Makassar Industrial Area (KIMA), Indonesia. The risk of manual handling work is assessed based on the suitability of the work environment to the workforce’s response using Guttman scale, in which the answer YES = 1 means there is a risk, while the answer NO = 0 means there is no risk. However, the scales are the reproducibility coefficient ≥ 0.90 and scalability coefficient ≥0.60, and Guttman scale score is calculated from Tn = total answers of “YES” for the KPI in the scale. Meanwhile, the SWOT-4Q is used to analyze the strategy of industry supervisor samples.

RESULTS: For the workforce, eight of nine risk assessments do not show risk, and only “high vibration intensity in the workplace,” with a percentage of 78.26%, affects the excessive condition. The strategy used by the supervisors in quadrant I is in accordance with the strength of the risk assessment and has a great opportunity to reduce risk. The management maximally exploits the big opportunity of the manual handling work.

CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that most of the workforce did not experience the risk of manual handling work with the suitability of the work environment. In addition, industrial supervisors should implement a growth strategy because they can enlarge the industry by taking advantage of the advantages of manual handling work to maximize the exploitation of large manual handling work opportunities.


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How to Cite

K B, K SB. The Strategy of Workforce Management Based on Risk Assessment of Manual Handling Work with Suitability of Work Environment in Makasar Industrial Area, Indonesia. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10(E):888-93. Available from:



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