The Suffering Experiences: Family Caregiver of Home Based Palliative Care in Malaysia


  • Wanda Kiyah George Albert Social Work Program, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia image/svg+xml
  • Adi Fahrudin Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Indonesia, Associate Research Fellow, The Psychology and Social Health Research Unit Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia and Visiting Professor, Institute of Social Work Research, Japan College of Social Work, Tokyo, Japan
  • Steward Lindong Hospital Chancellor Tuanku Muhriz, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia image/svg+xml
  • Husmiati Yusuf National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia image/svg+xml



Family caregivers, Patients with cancer, Challenges, Caregiving


BACKGROUND: Caring for a family member who has advanced cancer and is nearing the end of their life comes with a slew of concerns and obstacles for the caregiver. A thorough understanding of the hardships and tribulations of caregiving may be a step toward resolving the issues that these patients’ family caregivers confront.

AIM: The present study aimed to explore the suffering experienced faced by Malaysian family member who has advanced cancer and is nearing the end of their life.

MATERIALS: The present qualitative study was conducted through in-depth semi-structured interviews held with seven family caregivers of cancer patients selected through purposive sampling. Interviews continued until the saturation of data. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed through conventional content analysis.

RESULTS: The codes extracted from interviews produced five main themes, including empathic suffering, powerless and hopeless suffering, predictive suffering, compliance suffering, and barriers’ wrath, which collectively caused suffering for family caregivers.

CONCLUSION: Care provided in an atmosphere of suffering and discontent diminishes the caregiver’s quality of life and quality of patient care. Health planners should therefore consider the challenges and sufferings faced by family caregivers and should seek to obviate them through plans.


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How to Cite

Albert WKG, Fahrudin A, Lindong S, Yusuf H. The Suffering Experiences: Family Caregiver of Home Based Palliative Care in Malaysia. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10(E):1623-9. Available from:



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