Instrument Development to Measure the Medical Waste Management Performance in Healthcare Centers, Bandung, West Java
Performance indicator, Instruments, Medical waste, Healthcare center (Puskesmas), ManagementAbstract
BACKGROUND: Medical waste produced by healthcare centers needs to be managed according to the requirements to prevent disease transmission and environmental pollution. An instrument is required to assess the performance of healthcare centers in Indonesia in managing their medical waste.
AIM: This study aims to develop an instrument to assess medical waste handling performance indicators in Indonesia’s healthcare centers (Puskesmas).
METHODS: We used qualitative and quantitative methods to ensure performance indicator instruments’ validity, reliability, and quality. Data samples were taken from 70 healthcare centers in Bandung city. The performance assessment tools were created using 20 indicators, taking into account the instrument’s validity and reliability.
RESULTS: Results revealed that medical waste management’s performance in healthcare centers in Bandung was under the good category (60.0%). The best waste management performance categories were shown by healthcare centers level 1 (100.0), level 2 (66.7%) and level 3 (46.2%), also healthcare centers with Basic Emergency Neonatal Obstetrics Services (PONED) services (100.0%). Our results showed that financial, storage and healthcare with PONED services correlate with the amount of medical waste managed.
CONCLUSIONS: The instrument developed can be used to assess, monitor, and evaluate medical waste management performance in healthcare centers and become part of healthcare centers’ accreditation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bambang Wispriyono, Irmawartini Irmawartini, Ririn Arminsih Wulandari, I Made Djaja (Author)
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Funding data
Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi /Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Grant numbers NKB-150/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2021