COVID-19: Factors Related to the Implementation of Preventive Practice in the New Normal Era of Indonesia
Related factors, Coronavirus disease-2019, Preventive practices, IndonesiaAbstract
BACKGROUND: Recently, cases of COVID-19 have increased significantly since the implementation of the new normal policy in Indonesia.
AIM: The purpose of this research was to analyze factors related to the preventive practices in combating COVID-19 following the new normal era in Indonesia.
METHOD: This research was an analytic observational study with a cross- sectional design developed in September 2020. The population was the entire population of Indonesia ranged between 12 years old and above. By using accidental sampling technique for samples collection, voluntary respondents were willingly asked to fill in prepared questionnaire through Google forms that were distributed online via multiple social media platforms (WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram). The total collected samples were 3,157 voluntary respondents. Moreover, independent variables that were analyzed including age, gender, education level, knowledge and attitude of respondents. On the other hand, dependent variable was the preventive practices of COVID-19 in the new normal era. Data analysis consisted of univariate, bivariate (chi square test) and multivariate analysis (multiple logistic regression).
RESULT: This research proved that the variables of age, gender, education level, knowledge and attitude had significant relationship with the practices of preventing COVID-19 among Indonesian (p < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Age, gender, education level, knowledge and attitude had significant relationship with the practices of preventing COVID-19 among Indonesian
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nissa Noor Annashr, Andi Eka Yunianto, Puji Laksmini, Asepsuryana Abdurrahmat, Andy Muharry, Iseu Siti Aisyah, Anis Afina, Delita Septia Rosdiana, Sanya Anda Lusiana, Rosyanne Kushargina, Tazkya Diningrum, Rofiya Dienul Haq Ratnasari (Author)
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