Effect of Preheating and Vibration on Microhardness and Microleakage of Microhybrid Resin Composite (In Vitro Study)


  • Mohammed Nabil Dentist, Ministry of Health, Cairo, Egypt
  • A. F. Abo Elezz Operative Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
  • R. K. Safy Operative Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt




Microhardness, Microleakage, Microhybrid resin composite, Preheating, Sonic vibration


BACKGROUND: Preheating and sonic vibration are two methods for the treatment of microhybrid resin composites that may effect on their mechanical and physical properties.

AIM: This study was conducted to assess the effect of using preheating and sonic vibration on microhardness and microleakage of microhybrid resin composite

METHODS AND MATERIALS: For microhardness test, a total of 30 samples of resin composite discs were prepared. Samples were divided into three groups according to the method of treatment of resin composite, controlled group (T0), preheated group (T1), and sonic vibration group (T2). Surface microhardness values were evaluated at baseline and after thermocycling. For microleakage test, a total of 30 Class-V cavities were prepared on the labial surfaces of extracted human anterior teeth. The cavities were then divided into three groups according to the method of resin composite treatment as mentioned before in the microhardness test. All samples were sectioned; then two-dimensional cross-sectional images from each sample. Each cross-sectional image was analyzed using Image J software to quantify interfacial microleakage at the cavity floor.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Two-way ANOVA analysis was used to test the effects of thermocycling on three groups of each test. One-way ANOVA was used to compare between three different methods of resin composite treatment.

RESULTS: For microhardness at baseline revealed that the highest mean value was recorded for the control group, followed by the sonic vibration group meanwhile, the lowest mean value was recorded for the sonic vibration group, followed by preheated group at microleakage test.

CONCLUSION: Preheating and sonic vibration of microhybrid resin composite does not improve its microhardness; however, sonic vibration provides better marginal adaptation than the preheating and the conventional methods.


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How to Cite

Nabil M, Elezz AFA, Safy RK. Effect of Preheating and Vibration on Microhardness and Microleakage of Microhybrid Resin Composite (In Vitro Study). Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(D):166-71. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/8639



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