Female Nurses’ Experience of Psychological Changes when Caring COVID-19 Patients in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
COVID-19, Nurses, Psychological changes, CaringAbstract
BACKGROUND: Nurses as health workers at the frontline have major challenges in dealing with COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic can cause the risk of psychological changes in nurses in maintaining the quality of public health services.
AIM: This study aims to explore nurses’ experiences through their psychological changes when giving treatment to COVID-19 patients.
DESIGN AND METHOD: This qualitative research employed a phenomenological approach. Purposive sampling was applied to determine the participants with criteria of female nurses caring COVID-19 patients and working in hospitals until achieved data saturation. The data were collected by interviewing participants through phone and video calls. In-depth interview recordings were presented in transcriptions, and the contents were analyzed into codes, categories, and themes.
RESULTS: Eight nurses participated in this study. This research resulted three themes: Self-surrender during early nursing care for COVID-19 patients, acceptance of the feelings and achievements as COVID-19 nurses, and self-empowerment supported by the environment.
CONCLUSIONS: The psychological changes during the nursing care start from self-surrender in the early period of COVID-19 patient care, self-acceptance for any feelings and achievements as COVID-19 nurses, to the forms of self-empowerment and environmental support.Downloads
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