Forest Fire, Destruction, and Sanction: The Perspectives of Health and Law
Forest fire, Criminal action, Perspective, Health, PolicyAbstract
Introduction: The search for the ideal concept to eradicate crimes of forest fire and destruction cannot be separated from the sanctions for individual or corporate perpetrators, who fund and order for the forest to be burned and destroyed. It must also consider the health rights of the victims. Methods: This study uses the normative legal research method. Results and Discussion: There needs to be a clear concept in punishing corporations so that they refrain from undergoing similar criminal actions in the future. The court that handles the forest fire cases may and has the right to improvise by burdening the health treatment fees of those who suffer due to the forest fires to the perpetrators. Conclusion: The forest fire law enforcement system is not yet ideal as it cannot yet maximally punish corporations that burn forests. Neither has it considered the victims' health rights and their recovery
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