The Role of Angiopoietin-2 on Plasma Leakage in the Critical Phase and Convalescence of Dengue Virus Infection in Children


  • Rinang Mariko Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, General Hospital of Dr. M. Djamil, Padang, Indonesia
  • Nice Rachmawati Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, General Hospital of Dr. M. Djamil, Padang, Indonesia
  • Fitrisia Amelin Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, General Hospital of Dr. M. Djamil, Padang, Indonesia
  • Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia



Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Children, Ang-2, Critical phase, Convalescence



Background: The worst complication of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) that lead to death is hypovolemic shock due to plasma leakage from intravascular to extravascular space caused by endothelial dysfunction. This study is aimed to analyze the difference of Ang-2 level in dengue haemorrhagic fever patients related to plasma leakage between critical phase and convalescence.


Aim: One hundred and ten children with DHF confirmed serologically with positive IgM anti-dengue or IgM and IgG anti-dengue were recruited in this study. We examine the clinical manifestations, laboratory parameters (platelet count, AST and ALT levels), and molecular test (Ang-2). The molecular indicator was tested by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Data were collected between July – November 2019. This is an observational study with cross-sectional comparative design.


Results: In our study, we found correlation of clinical symptoms (abdominal pain, persistent vomit, and hepatomegaly) with the occurrence of plasma leakage in DHF patients. We also found that Ang-2 level is significantly higher in children with DHF during critical phase compared to convalescence (p< 0.01).


Conclusion: There is a significant difference of Ang-2 level in DHF patients during critical phase and convalescence.


Keywords: Dengue hemorrhagic fever, children, Ang-2, critical phase, convalescence


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How to Cite

Mariko R, Rachmawati N, Amelin F, Hadinegoro SR. The Role of Angiopoietin-2 on Plasma Leakage in the Critical Phase and Convalescence of Dengue Virus Infection in Children. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(A):675-9. Available from: