The Effect of Participatory Ergonomic on Fatigue Disorders of Workers in PT. Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero)
Work fatigue, Participatory ergonomics, WorkersAbstract
AIM: This study aimed to determine the effect of participatory ergonomics intervention on worker fatigue.
METHODS: The research conducted in PT. Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero) Makassar. The method used quasi-experimental with repeated measure design with 3 times repeated in within 15 days for total 60 participants. The sample was collected by simple random sampling. Data analyzed using Paired-Samples T-Test.
RESULTS: The results found that there was an effect of participatory ergonomics intervention on fatigue (p-value of each repeated = 0.001).
COCNLUSION: Participatory ergonomics is appropriate for preventing and reducing fatigue on workers. It is recommended that the company, including workers and management of policymakers, pay attention to this finding.Downloads
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