Assessment of Knowledge and Practices toward Salt Intake among Adolescents
Salt intake, Knowledge, Practices, AdolescentsAbstract
Background:High salt intake is linked to risk of development of renal disease, stomach cancer and osteoporosis.Raised BP typically present in adulthood but its origin commonly begins in childhood.The aim of this study is toassess of knowledge and practices towards salt intake among adolescents.Methods: This was a cross – sectional that carried out in Mansoura governorate. A convenience sample of 240 adolescents between 12 -17 years was taken from community recreation places and clubs. A Pre tested questionnaires were developed to assesssociodemographic characteristics, knowledge towards salt consumption, knowledge towards salt hazards and trials to control salt consumption.A modified food frequency questionnaire was used to assess their nutritional practices.Results:Nearly half of study group was aged 14-15 years(40.9%).Nearly two third of study participants was females (64.2%) and three quarter was from urban areas (75%).More than half of study group believed to consume moderate amount of salty food (57.1 %), and about half of them had good knowledge about salt harms and value of reduction of salt consumption (50.8% & 53.3% respectively),.Unfortunately majority of them did not attempt any trial of mentioned trials to control their salt intake. Only less than 50 % try to minimize outdoors food and processed food consumption.
Conclusion:Although study participants knew the harm of salt consumption, unfortunately majority of them did not attempt any trial of mentioned trials to control their salt intake.
Recommendations: These findings highlighted the importance of nutritional counseling among adolescents towards healthy eating practices
Key words
Salt Intake-Knowledge-Practices-Adolescents
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