Structural Equation Modeling using Partial Least Squares for Occupational Safety and Health Factors and Work Environment Factors Toward Occupational Diseases on Labors in Industry X Cimahi City


  • Ati Nurhayati Department of Environmental Health, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Lubis Bambang Purnama Department of Environmental Health, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Pujiono Pujiono Department of Environmental Health, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Salma Aripin Department of Environmental Health, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia



OSH factors, Work environment factors, Occupational diseases


Occupational diseases can be caused by work, work tools, materials, processes, or the work environment. Efforts to control risk factors during the production process in the manufacturing industry are important. These efforts are carried out by monitoring and measuring the work environment for environmental prevention and management. Technical control, administrative control, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) are some efforts to maintain their health condition and protect workers from health problems and adverse effects caused by work. This study wants to figure out the modeling of occupational safety and health factors, individuals, and the work environment that can cause occupational diseases in workers by using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The sample size in this study was 50 workers (respondents). The analysis used is Chi-Square and PLS-SEM. The results showed a significant relationship between the PPE use, years of service, air dust levels, illness history, and noise factor with the incidence of occupational diseases. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between occupational safety and health factors (PPE use and noise factor) with occupational diseases, between individual factors (years of service and illness history) with occupational diseases, and between work environment factors (air dust levels) and occupational diseases. In suggestion, a control over workplace environmental parameters that exceeded the threshold value is required, such as dust, noise, lighting, temperature, and humidity levels. Further research on other risk factors that can affect the incidence of occupational diseases is required, such as gas parameters, ventilation, and the application of occupational safety and health management systems.


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How to Cite

Nurhayati A, Purnama LB, Pujiono P, Aripin S. Structural Equation Modeling using Partial Least Squares for Occupational Safety and Health Factors and Work Environment Factors Toward Occupational Diseases on Labors in Industry X Cimahi City. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(E):1779-83. Available from:



Public Health Disease Control
