Enhancing the Community Health through Restricting Electronic Cigarettes


  • Muhammad Syahriza Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2061-4291
  • M. S. Hendra Wahyuni Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Z. Khairunnisa Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia




Electronic cigarettes, Conventional cigarettes, Smokers


Smoking electronic cigarettes has become the subject of considerable debate among scientists, with its proponents claiming that it has a benefit for smoking cessation, since its drawbacks are much lower compared to conventional cigarettes. Moreover, proponents believe that electronic cigarettes can be used as nicotine replacement therapies (NTRs) in order to mitigate tobacco withdrawal syndrome and are the best choice for asthmatic smokers who cannot quit to smoke. However, the opponents argue that electronic cigarettes have numerous negative effects on people, especially the impacts of chemical substances (including fine and ultrafine particles), its role to undermine tobacco control and its influences on the ex-smokers or even non-smokers to start smoking. This essay will assess to assess the hazards of electronic cigarette use and its impacts on public health. Firstly, it will discuss the potential hazards generated by using e-cigarettes over a long exposure, including the adverse effects, followed by the drawbacks of e-cigarettes use on public health related to tobacco control and the decrease of people’s awareness.


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How to Cite

Syahriza M, Wahyuni MSH, Khairunnisa Z. Enhancing the Community Health through Restricting Electronic Cigarettes. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];10(F):522-4. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/9173



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