Factors Affecting the Performance of Public Health Efforts Program Officers at Community Health Centers
Non organizational factors, Job autonomy, Proactive officers, Performance and public health effortsAbstract
BACKGROUND: Changes in the duties and functions of public health centers by the national health insurance policy have an impact on the declining performance of public health efforts. The 2015 performance evaluation showed that the MDGs targets were not in line with expectations, especially the increase in the maternal mortality rate, and other indicators.
AIM: This study aims to determine the factors that affect the performance of public health efforts program officers in Tolitoli Regency, consisting of health promotion, maternal and child health, environmental health, nutrition, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
METHODS: This research was conducted throughout the Public Health Center in Tolitoli Regency. This research design was quantitative with survey methods. Data were analyzed using Chi-square. The sample in this study was a total of 84 respondents, with each health center having six respondents.
RESULTS: The results of the analysis showed that factors outside the organization and job autonomy were not significantly affecting the performance of public health efforts officers with a p-value sequentially as 0.195 and 0.130, and proactive officers significantly affected performance with a p = 0.017.Downloads
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