Factors Associated with a Health-promoting Lifestyle among Adults and Older Adults in the Era of COVID-19: An Integrative Review
Older adults, Health-promoting lifestyle, Sociodemographic data, Social factors, COVID-19Abstract
AIM: To identify the factors associated with a health-promoting lifestyle (HPL) among adults or older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
METHODS: On the basis of the PRISMA guidelines, primary articles published in English within the period from December 2019 to December 2021 were searched for on five databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL Plus with Full Text.
RESULTS: The current review identified nine relevant studies with a total of 4,509 adults and older adults. We found that sociodemographic were associated with HPL among both adults and older adults in the COVID-19 era. The findings also asserted that a nurse-led lifestyle intervention is an effective program for improving the self-efficacy and HPL of older adults with chronic illnesses.
CONCLUSION: According to this review’s findings, individuals and healthcare professionals should consider the sociodemographic and social factors associated with HPL among adults and older adults, it is important to improve and standardize the guidelines for home-based services so that they can be used properly to help them deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and similar health crises.
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