Determinants of Work Safety Culture of Hasanuddin University Laboratory Officers
Safety culture determinants, Laboratory employees, Work safetyAbstract
Safety culture regards the perceptions, beliefs, abilities and safe behavior of individuals or groups of people with respect to their activities, especially work, to achieve a level of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) performance. This study aims to determine the factors related to the work safety culture of the University of Hasanuddin laboratory employees. This study employs quantitative research using a cross-sectional design involving 73 participants from 64 laboratories of 10 faculties at the Hasanuddin University. The research instrument was adapted from Edgar Schein’s theory and the PRISM FGI Safety Culture Application Guide. The questionnaire used was adapted from the Loughborough Safety Climate Assessment Toolkit (LSCAT). Data analysis was done using the Spearman’s correlation test and the regression model residual test. The results show that management commitment, communication, safety rules and procedures, social environment support, involvement, safety as a priority and need, and personal appreciation for risks are significant (all p-value <0.05) in determining safety. In particular, social environment support, involvement, and safety as priorities and needs are the factors that determine the work safety culture of Hasanuddin University laboratory employees. Work Safety Culture Regression Model = 21.012 + 0.652 Social Environment Support – 0.274 Engagement + 1.616 Safety as Priority and Necessity. The most influential factor for the safety culture of university laboratory employees is the safety as priority and necessity. The work environment of each laboratory should be regulated according to ISO17025, for laboratory employees are more active in every activity related to OHS, especially for the activities of OHS laboratory.
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Copyright (c) 2022 M. Furqaan Naiem, Haslinda Haslinda, A. Muflihah Darwis, Magfirah Ramadhani (Author)
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