The Effect of Pumpkin Seed Biscuits on Nutritional and Zinc Status: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Pregnant Women
Pregnancy, Zinc, Nutritional status, Biscuits, Pumpkin seedsAbstract
BACKGROUND: In several studies in Indonesia, low birth weight (LBW) is shown as the most dominant risk factor for stunting. Some of the causes of LBW are chronic energy deficiency during pregnancy, anemia during pregnancy, lack of nutrient supply during pregnancy, pregnancy complications, maternal parity, and birth spacing. In this case, women commonly suffer from micronutrient deficiencies including iodine, iron, Vitamin A, zinc, and folate. Related to this, about 80% of pregnant women in the world fulfill normative pregnancy needs due to inadequate zinc intake. One source of micronutrients rich in zinc is pumpkin seeds. The nutritional potential of pumpkin seeds is realized in the form of food products for pregnant women, including amino acids. One example of pumpkin seed fortification has been assessed in biscuit products by trained panelists and consumers, obtaining results that 20% additional pumpkin seed flour to biscuits becomes the best treatment. Meanwhile, in the case of this study, we expect that the pumpkin seed biscuits provided can increase the energy intake in pregnant women because when pumpkin seeds are added, the nutrition contained in the biscuits is also increased, in this case, the nutrition includes the zinc and Fe.
AIM: The purpose this research is to figure out how pumpkin seed biscuits affect pregnant women concerning their nutrition status and serum zinc levels.
METHODS: The method employed was a double-blind and randomized experimental research involving pre- and post-test control groups. The inclusion criteria of the participants involved were pregnant women aged 20–35 years old who were at their first and second trimesters of pregnancy and parity one to three and singleton pregnancy. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria of the participants were pregnant women suffering from severe complications. There were 89 pregnant women further gathered in this study, but only 66 of them met the criteria and idled into two groups. In this case, one group received the pumpkin seed biscuit intervention, while the other received placebo biscuits. The intervention was conducted for 90 days where the pregnant women were provided with four biscuits for daily consumption.
RESULTS: The nutritional status parameter of pregnant women involved in the current research was assessed, including body weight, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), and serum zinc levels. In this case, the average serum zinc level obtained was 48.75 g/dL from 60 pregnant women. Furthermore, a significant increase occurred in nutritional status for each group, marked by body weight gain, and increased MUAC. However, no significant difference emerged between the pumpkin seed biscuit group and the placebo biscuit group with p = 0.914 and p = 0.916, respectively. A significant increase in zinc levels was observed in both groups. In this case, changes in zinc levels between the two groups were significantly different (13.72 ± 1.84 vs. 9.81 ± 11.81, p = 0.007).
CONCLUSION: Giving pumpkin seed biscuits contribute to weight gain and increase the MUAC the pregnant women which, in turn, improves their nutritional status and serum zinc.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rosdiana Syakur, Aminuddin Syam, Veni Hadju, Sukri Palutturi, Anto J. Hadi, Ridha Hafid, Musaidah Musaidah (Author)
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Funding data
Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi
Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi
Grant numbers 8046/UN4.1.2.3/PL.02.00/2021