Frequency of Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders among Prishtina Dental Students


  • Teuta Bicaj University Clinical Center Prishtina - QKSUK, Prosthodontics, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Kujtim Shala University Clinical Center Prishtina - QKSUK, Prosthodontics, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Teuta Pustina Krasniqi Rectorate of the University of Prishtina, Vice Rector for Quality Assurance and Development; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prosthetic Dentistry, Dental Branch, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Enis Ahmedi University Clinical Center Prishtina - QKSUK, Prosthodontics, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Linda Dula University Clinical Center Prishtina - QKSUK, Prosthodontics, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Zana Lila-Krasniqi University Clinical Center Prishtina - QKSUK, Prosthodontics, Prishtina, Kosovo



Fonseca Index, Fonseca questionnaire, Temporomandibular Disorder, Temporomandibular Joint, Occlusion


BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is important for prevention of greater damages of the parts of the oro-facial system. There are early symptoms that can be used as predictors of TMD.

AIM: The study aimed to assess the frequency of the symptoms of TMD among dental students.

METHODS: Total number of 166 respondents, all undergraduate dental students, (84 female, 82 male), mean age 22, participated in this study. For the study, the questionnaire of Fonseca was used. There were ten questions to answer with: no, sometimes and yes. Fonseca-Clinical index classification is: 0-15 points, no TMD; 20-40 points, mild TMD; 45-65 points, moderate TMD and 70-100 points, severe TMD.

RESULTS: Forty-six point four percentages of the students, had no symptoms of TMD, 44.6 % had mild TMD, 7.8% moderate TMD and only 1.2 % had severe TMD. By conventional criteria, there is not any statistical difference of the TMD between male and female (c2 = 1.133, p = 0.769).

CONCLUSION: Fonseca questionnaire has its importance in the early diagnosis of TMD that can occur in the young population.


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How to Cite

Bicaj T, Shala K, Krasniqi TP, Ahmedi E, Dula L, Lila-Krasniqi Z. Frequency of Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders among Prishtina Dental Students. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 1];5(6):781-4. Available from:



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