Survey about the Extubation Practice among Anaesthesiologists in Kosovo
General anaesthesia, Anesthesia recovery, ExtubationAbstract
BACKGROUND: Tracheal extubations may be performed before or after awakening from anaesthesia. The advantage of extubation during anaesthesia may avoid all the unpleasant effects of fully awake extubation such as severe hypertension and tachycardia, malignant dysrhythmias, myocardial ischemia laryngospasm, and cough induced high intraocular and intracranial pressure.
AIM: To show the current practice of performing extubations in Kosovo, as well as the advantage and disadvantage in performing this procedure in an awake patient or inpatient in light anaesthesia.
MATERIAL: This study is conducted at the Regional Hospitals and the University Clinical Center of Kosovo during the year 2015. A questionnaire is given to the anesthesiologists to collect information about the techniques used for extubation, timing and management of extubation.
RESULTS: Based on this survey results that 86% of an anesthesiologist (71) extubate the patients when they are completely awake, while 14% of them (12) prefer to extubate the patients under light anaesthesia. From all anesthesiologists involved in this study, forty of them reported problems during extubation. Complications were related to airway, and they are treated by oxygenation and jaw support, but in rare cases, reintubation were performed.
CONCLUSION: Complications during extubation remain important risk factor while extubation during light anaesthesia can minimise some of them.Downloads
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