The Contribution of Indian Endodontists in Rotary Endodontics to Pubmed Database, from 2000-2017


  • Sathish Abraham S.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital and Post Graduate Research Centre, Sangamner, Maharashtra
  • Disha Lalit Mehta S.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital and Post Graduate Research Centre, Sangamner, Maharashtra
  • Shashidhar C. Bellad S.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital and Post Graduate Research Centre, Sangamner, Maharashtra
  • Sayli Patil S.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital and Post Graduate Research Centre, Sangamner, Maharashtra
  • Aradhana Babu Kamble S.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital and Post Graduate Research Centre, Sangamner, Maharashtra
  • Salil Chaudhari S.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital and Post Graduate Research Centre, Sangamner, Maharashtra



PubMed, Rotary Endodontics, Indian-authors, Endodontists publications.


AIM: This study aimed at assessing the trends of publications of Indian Endodontists in the field of rotary Endodontics in the PubMed database from 2000-2017.

METHODS: The date of publication was set from 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2017, wherein keywords entered in the advanced search were “Indian†AND “Dental†AND “Rotary Endodonticsâ€. From the collected articles the following criteria were noted: year of publication, the name of the journal, status of the journal, name of the first author, state of origin and the rotary Endodontic file system used.

RESULTS: All data was subjected for statistical analysis by SPSS software version 16. The data were subjected to chi-square test, and a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) was obtained in the inter-6 yearly interval starting from 2000-2017; in the status of the journal; the state of origin and in the generation of rotary files which were published during the study period.

CONCLUSION: The plethora of publications by Indian Conservative Dentists and Endodontists is on the rise, and with the advent of better technology a greater interest in the mechanics and properties of these rotary file systems has invoked greater research work.


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How to Cite

Abraham S, Mehta DL, Bellad SC, Patil S, Kamble AB, Chaudhari S. The Contribution of Indian Endodontists in Rotary Endodontics to Pubmed Database, from 2000-2017. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];6(10):1878-81. Available from:



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