Work-related Asthma in Crop Farmers


  • Sasho Stoleski Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Jordan Minov Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Jovanka Karadzinska-Bislimovska Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Dragan Mijakoski Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Aneta Atanasovska Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Dragana Bislimovska Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia



asthma, chronic respiratory symptoms, spirometry, crop farming, questionnaire, work-relatedness, allergic occupational asthma


AIM: The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of occupational exposure on asthma development among crop farmers.

METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed, comprising 87 crop farmers, and 80 office workers, matched by gender and age. Evaluation of subjects included completion of a standard questionnaire on chronic respiratory symptoms, spirometry tests, histamine challenge, serial peak expiratory flow rates (PEFR) measurements, and skin prick tests to occupational and common inhalant allergens.

RESULTS: The prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms in the past 12 months was higher, while the mean values of spirometric parameters were lower in crop farmers. Sensitization to workplace and common inhalant allergens was similar in both groups, whereas frequencies of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and asthma were non-significantly higher in crop farmers. The prevalence of allergic was significantly higher compared to non-allergic asthma in both groups. Asthma was registered in 8% of crop farmers and was significantly associated with atopy, and positive family history of asthma. Occupational allergic asthma (OA) was registered in 2.3% of crop farmers, while the frequency of work-aggravated asthma was 5.7%. A causal relationship between workplace and asthma, suggesting allergic OA, was documented in two crop farmers with asthma, based on serial PEFR monitoring, but specific workplace agent causing asthma in the affected subjects was not identified.

CONCLUSION: The obtained results can contribute in the detection of critical points for action, and serve as a predictive factor in the development of work-related asthma, indicating the need for reduction of adverse occupational exposures through adequate preventive measures, regular health examinations, obligatory use of respiratory protective equipment, and implementation of engineering controls.


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Author Biography

Sasho Stoleski, Center for Respiratory Functional Diagnostics, Institute for Occupational Health - Skopje, WHO Collaborating Center, Ga2len Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Sasho Stoleski graduated at the Medical Faculty in Skopje in 2002 and obtained a Master degree in 2009, and PhD degree in 2016. He is actively engaged in the educational process of the students of medicine, nurses, physiotherapists, and logopedists. He is employed in the Institute of occupational Health of Republic of Macedonia in the Center for respiratory functional diagnostics. At present he is Scientific Research Associate within the Chair of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty inSkopje. He is specialist in Occupational Medicine, and sub-specialist in pulmology and allergology. Actively involved in the research, expert’s and scientific work of the Institute, dealing with actual challenges in occupational health, principles of functional diagnostics of respiratory system, occupational pulmology and allergology, industrial toxicology, ecology of work, and workplace risk assessment. He is a National Secretary of International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), and member of Macedonian Society of Occupational Health, Macedonian Respiratory Society, Macedonian Society of Basic, Clinical Immunology and Allergology, European Respiratory Society,EuropeanAcademyof Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Author and co-author of more than 180 titles published in domestic and international journals.


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How to Cite

Stoleski S, Minov J, Karadzinska-Bislimovska J, Mijakoski D, Atanasovska A, Bislimovska D. Work-related Asthma in Crop Farmers. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 2 [cited 2024 May 5];8(E):528-37. Available from:



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