Mezile’s Model (Back Massage and Self-Hypnosis) Based on Information and Technology to Lose the Anxiety of Postpartum Mothers in COVID-19 Pandemic Era


  • Melyana Widyawati Department of Midwifery, Master of Applied Science in Midwifery Program, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Rohmatun Nazilah Department of Midwifery, Master of Applied Science in Midwifery Program, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Leny Latifah Health Research and Development Institution, Magelang, Indonesia



Mezile’s model, Back massage, Self-hypnosis, Postpartum mothers, COVID-19


BACKGROUND: The roles of husbands to keep the psychological condition of pregnant and postpartum mothers are low. Many husbands could not perform full attention and support during the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period. Heretofore, the researchers do not find studies that include the roles of the husband from antenatal until postnatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

AIM: This research aims to create Mezile’s model in the form of back massage and self-hypnosis based on information and technology with adequate design and effective implementation to lose the anxiety of postpartum mothers. This model also involved husbands taking the role from the antenatal until postnatal care.

METHODS: This research and development used a true experimental design with pre- and post-test control group design. The researchers used simple random sampling. The subjects consisted of 50 participants in the experimental group and 50 participants in the control group. The experimental group received the intervention with self-hypnosis training, while the husbands of the experimental group received back massage training. The husbands in the control group received only back massage training. The intervention lasted from the 2nd until the 15th day after normal delivery. Then, mothers with post-section cesarean received the training on the 8th until the 21st day. The researchers used Wilcoxon and Mann–Whitney tests.

RESULTS: Mezile’s model refers to back massage and self-hypnosis based on information and technology. It was reliable as the holistic-based education media to apply effective management to lose anxiety (p = 0.03), higher than the control group.

CONCLUSION: Mezile’s model, back massage, and self-hypnosis, based on information and technology, are reliable for obstetric care education based on holistic nature during pregnancy and postpartum. The implementation was effective in managing the anxiety of postpartum mothers in the control group.


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How to Cite

Widyawati M, Nazilah R, Latifah L. Mezile’s Model (Back Massage and Self-Hypnosis) Based on Information and Technology to Lose the Anxiety of Postpartum Mothers in COVID-19 Pandemic Era. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10(T8):188-93. Available from:

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