Working Station Model Based on Mathematic Model of Anthropometry for Embroidery Workers


  • Asep Suryana Abdurrahmat Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Rian Arie Gustaman Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Yuldan Faturahman Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia



Prototype, Work station, Ergonomics, Csraftsman embroidery


BACKGROUND: Often, the embroidery craftsmen do their work by ignoring the unbalance of their anthropometric size with the size of the tables and chairs used. This condition causes not ergonomic sitting position when they are working that will trigger variety of subjective complaints of craftsmen, especially in muscles and joints.

AIM: Conducted development research using 4D model (devine, design, develop, and disseminate) based on anthropometry size to build chair and table as more ergonomic work station for embroidery craftsmen.

METHODS: The first three stages are done by analyzing the compatibility of anthropometry of the body with the size of work station used by mathematical approach and laboratory scale test. The acceptance level of craftsmen on the prototype of work station model measures by technology accepted model that conducted on a public scale.

RESULTS: The result of this research is the establishment of more ergonomic prototype of work station model for embroidery craftsmen and based on the result of public scale examination of 180 embroidered craftsmen showed that 63% of respondents stated less subjective complaints of muscle and joint disorders at the shoulders, 71% subjective complaints of muscle and joint disorders in the upper arm, and respondents stated reduced subjective complaints of muscle and joint disorders in the 56% after using a new work station model.

CONCLUSION: However, it is still necessary to make improvements to the prototype of the work station model to be more ergonomic and to suppress the emergence of subjective complaints of muscle disorders and joints of embroidery craftsmen.


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How to Cite

Abdurrahmat AS, Gustaman RA, Faturahman Y. Working Station Model Based on Mathematic Model of Anthropometry for Embroidery Workers. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 May 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];10(E):965-70. Available from:



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