The Heavy Metals in Agrosystems and Impact on Health and Quality of Life


  • Adnan Tutic International University of Travnik, Travnik
  • Srecko Novakovic Solid, Subotica
  • Mitar Lutovac University of Union
  • Rade Biocanin State University of Novi Pazar, Vuka Karadzica bb, Novi Pazar
  • Sonja Ketin University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, Novi Sad
  • Nusret Omerovic International University of Brcko, District Brcko



life environment, agroecosysems, heavy metals, mercury, toxicity, metabolism, chain pollution, chemical protection


The metal is a chemical element that conducts electricity well and heat, and the nonferrous metals builds cations and ionic bonds. Heavy metals include metals whose density is higher than 5 g/cm3. The whole range of the metal is in the form of essential trace elements, essential for a number of functions in the human body, and its deficiency results in a lack of occurrence of a serious symptom. The best examples are anemia lack of iron, lack of chromium in diabetes, growth problems in lack of nickel. Other elements such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and molybdenum have been shown to exhibit large quantities of toxic effects. The paper examines the problem of heavy metals originating from agriculture on agroecosystems. This group of pollutants is considered the most important cause of degradation of soil quality, surface and groundwater and direct causal adverse effects on human and animal health. In order to complete the environmental monitoring of pollutants, these main categories, origins, and possible negative impacts of the basic principles of preventing their toxic effects were examined.


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How to Cite

Tutic A, Novakovic S, Lutovac M, Biocanin R, Ketin S, Omerovic N. The Heavy Metals in Agrosystems and Impact on Health and Quality of Life. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];3(2):345-5. Available from:



E - Public Health