T8 -"APHNI: Health Improvement Strategies Post Pandemic Covid-19"
Indonesia’s COVID-19 cases have been recorded to have increased, but based on national trends (November 2020, January 2021 and April 2021 2021) of the accumulated confirmed cases, recovered or died, it shows that the majority is dominated by recovered cases, namely 1,468,142 cases (covid19.go.id, 2021). This explains that the government has built capacity and emergency response mechanisms for COVID-19.
Referring to Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning large-scale social restrictions in the context of accelerating the handling of corona virus (COVID-19), mitigation efforts and the readiness of all sectors as optimally as possible so that it can adapt through lifestyle changes in the COVID-19 situation (New Normal) . New normal is intended as an action to reduce or minimize the impact of COVID-19 on society (Pragholapati, A, 2020).
In the Indonesian context, the implementation of the new normal policy with the main principle is the adaptation of new habits in the social (community), economic-industrial, education and health sectors. The biggest adaptation change occurs in the social sector, where the entire community is faced with protocols to prevent the spread of the virus, one of which is the use of masks, washing hands and avoiding crowds. Heterogeneity and community culture cause the low participation rate in this concept of change (new normal). Another sector that has had a major impact on COVID-19 is the health sector. Where health workers are at the forefront and health facilities are required to provide the best service in an effort to reduce the death rate due to the corona virus case.
Various strategies continue to be developed to maintain essential health services. Approaches using digital platforms allow health systems to better manage the COVID-19 response and maintain essential health services. Selection of health technology, of course, requires stakeholders to consider in terms of infrastructure and the supporting environment (such as standards and interoperability, legislation, regulations, and the capacity of health workers) (WHO, 2020).
This international conference aims to conducting studies on the development of innovations, policies, programs, and facilities for health service units in an effort to meet public health needs as a step in the transformation of the post-pandemic. This conference will cover discussions on nursing, midwifery, nutrition, pharmacy, hospital administration, and technology and health information systems.
Lead Section (Guest) Editor,
Dr. Arif Sabta Aji